Ack! Robert Davis, where are you?
(too old to reply)
R. D. Davis
2003-11-08 16:22:54 UTC
Did I hear someone invoke the name of the creator of this newsgroup and
the creator of the PERQ general FAQ? ;-)

A google search showed that someone was looking for my web site
containing the PERQ faq; the web site still exists, although the
domain name has changed; give www.rddavis.org or www.rddavis.net
a try. At the moment, I don't recall the exact URL, but if you
go to my personal web page on the site, look at the menu on the
left-side of the page (the left frame, actually) and you'll find
the info. www.rddavis.org/rdd/index.html

There are other PERQ related files there as well. Have fun! Any
questions, just send me an e-mail.

It's been a while since I've read articles here since it was just
SPAM for a while, but I remember when this was once a very active
newsgroup years ago. How many PERQ Fanatics are still reading this?
How many are still using their PERQs? Has anyone gotten TCP/IP or
tar working on a PERQ?

Both of my PERQ1 systems are in non-working condition... well, one of them
never worked due to a hard drive damaged in transit, but the other one
did work until the hard drive developed problems as well. One of these
days I'll get out the service manual for the hard drive and do some
troubleshooting. The last time that I checked, my T2 running PNX was
PERQing along, but the T2 running POS and Accent developed a CPU
problem, or so it appeared... I need to test the PSU and the card-edge
connectors, then perhaps the CPU board itself, as I don't really like
to do board-swapping. While I could just swap the hard drives, getting
to the backs of the systems isn't all that easy at this time.
Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
***@rddavis.org 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.org beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
R. D. Davis
2003-11-09 03:00:54 UTC
of my sprawling computer collection, including the PERQs. I hope to put up
a new site soon. And I'll mirror the FAQs there too, to prevent future
embarassing episodes. :-)
What embarassing episodes? The PERQ Faqs have been maintained on my
web site since it came into existence many years ago, and there was
always forwarding information over the years as the URL changed a
couple of times... it never went away.

As to mirroring my PERQ general FAQ, I'd rather you just point a link
to my web site for it. Please remember the copyright. This ensures
that there aren't bogus or outdated copies of the FAQ floating
around. Thanks. :-)

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
***@rddavis.org 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.org beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Skeezics Boondoggle
2003-11-11 01:57:02 UTC
Post by R. D. Davis
of my sprawling computer collection, including the PERQs. I hope to put up
a new site soon. And I'll mirror the FAQs there too, to prevent future
embarassing episodes. :-)
What embarassing episodes? The PERQ Faqs have been maintained on my
web site since it came into existence many years ago, and there was
always forwarding information over the years as the URL changed a
couple of times... it never went away.
I was referring to my posting a frantic note that the FAQ was lost when,
indeed, I just had an outdated bookmark and should have spent the 30
seconds it would have taken to track down the new location before
freaking out. :-)
Post by R. D. Davis
As to mirroring my PERQ general FAQ, I'd rather you just point a link
to my web site for it. Please remember the copyright. This ensures
that there aren't bogus or outdated copies of the FAQ floating
around. Thanks. :-)
If/when I finally get my own web site put together (I've built half a dozen
major networks and web farms over the last 10 years, and still have a one
page, outdated personal site hosted on a friend's machine... it's sad) I'll
be sure to drop you a line about pooling our resources.

Well, I'm not completely homepageless - there is this:


And hey, didn't I contribute a good percentage of the answers in the FAQ? :-)
Actually, I dug up some reeeally old emails and a file with a huge, long list
of questions that I'd partially answered; do you remember sending out a survey
quite some time ago? I can't remember if I'd sent the part that I'd finished
and never got to the rest, or if I had been working on it and never sent even
the partial reponse... I'll try to find that file and look over the current
FAQ; maybe we can fill in some missing info, and flesh it out a bit.

Sorry to hear that your machines are in such a state; I haven't fired up
mine in several years due to various reasons - construction, jobs, life
constantly getting in the way - but have been itching to get them running
again. My PERQ Fanaticism hasn't waned in the least, though I still haven't
the space/time to attempt to recondition and restart my PERQs. I've been
hoping that Tony Duell was still active on this group and might have some
suggestions for a thorough "pre-flight check" so that I don't experience some
awful and spectacular flame-out the first time I apply AC to a PERQ that's
been sitting in storage for so long...


-- Chris
R. D. Davis
2003-11-11 06:37:16 UTC
Hi Chris,
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
And hey, didn't I contribute a good percentage of the answers in the FAQ? :-)
No. Nah. Nope. :-) The vast majority of content in the PERQ General
FAQ, unless stated otherwise, came from notes that I made of what I
did with my PERQs, with lots of comments added to help make it easier
for others to do these things with their PERQs.

Some additional information, as noted in the FAQ, came from others,
although that made up a very small portion of the FAQ - e.g., the list
of systems types at the end of the FAQ which Bill von Hagen supplied.
If you need more clarification on all this, just ask, and I can
present you with it.
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
Actually, I dug up some reeeally old emails and a file with a huge, long list
of questions that I'd partially answered; do you remember sending out a survey
Yes, I recall that quite clearly. However, that wasn't used in the
creation of the PERQ Genearal FAQ. Below, I believe, is the list of
questions that you're referring to, and I don't recall---although I
could be mistaken about this, having ever received any answers from
you regarding them, alas.

The following questions are from that questionnaire back in 1991:

Please answer the questions in sections I and III below. The questions
in section II are optional, but your response to however many of them you
can answer, or comment on, is _*greatly*_ appreciated. Thank you!

When you answer any of the questions, please indicate the number, or
letter, of the question next to your answer.

If you received a copy of this form through e-mail, you may just use a
text editor on this questionnaire to add your answers below the questions.
If you did not receive a copy of this through e-mail, and it would be
easier for you to have a copy of it in an computer editable form, I will be
glad to either send you a copy through whatever form of e-mail I can reach
you, or I will send you a copy of this questionnaire on a 5-1/4" floppy,
formatted for an IBM-PC (MS-DOS).

Section I

A. Your name?

B. A telephone number where you may be reached?

C. A postal address where you may be reached?

E. Your Internet, or other, e-mail address (if you have one)?

F. Which PERQ model(s) did you use, or are familiar with?

G. Which operating system(s) for the PERQs have you used, or are
familiar with?

H. What size and type of hard-disc did you use?

I. Did you use a streamer tape drive with your system?

Section II

1. Was a color display for the PERQs ever produced and sold (one of the
PERQ's manuals listed a 1024 x 1280 x 8 color display as an option)?
If so, did you ever use one? (please comment)

2. Were there ever any plans to make POS into an operating system which could
perform multitasking, allow terminals to log in via serial ports, and/or
access a hard-disc larger than 32 megabytes? If so, please explain.

3. Have you ever used any versions of POS which were more recent than version
G6.0? If so, can you comment on amy major differences/added features,
between the later versions and G6.0 and earlier?

4. Were there ever any plans to expand the PERQ's basic architecture, such
as the CPU, I/O, etc., beyond a single user workstation? That is, were
there plans to use similar architecture to create s minicomputer which
would support multiple users through serial ports, or which would act
primarily as a server to other systems?

5. In relation to the above question, would an extended POS operating system
have played any role in such a system?

6. What was the reason that PERQs running POS were limited to accessing no
more than 32 megabytes of mass storage?

7. Did any questions about such matters as the Perq being able to support more
that three users at a time ever come up when ICL was implementing PNX to
run on it? Granted, the PERQ was intended for use primarily as a single
user workstation, but given its CPU power and memory size, it seems that
it should have been able to support more than two additional users, at
terminals, if necessary for some applications. Do you believe that this
was part of its failure in the marketplace?

8. Why were so few terminal types supported by PNX? Was this an attempt to
discourage multiuser operation?

9. Have you ever done any hardware modifications to a PERQ which were not
supported by its manufacturer? If so, what did you do?

10. Did you ever add any non-manufacturer-supported boards to the PERQ, of
your own (or of others) design, which were hooked into the PERQs bus?
if so, please describe what you did.

11. Have you made any operating-sysetm changes to a PERQ, such as modifying
any of the PERQ's operating systems in such a way which was not supported
by its manufacturer? If so, what what did you do?

12. Did you ever use any operating systems on a PERQ other than the supported
PNX, POS, or Accent operating systems? If so, could you please describe
what you used?

13. If there was anything that you could have changed about the PERQ hardware,
what would the change(s) be?

14. If there was anything that you could change about any of the PERQ's
operating systems, what would the change(s) be?

15. Please describe the application(s) that you most often used a PERQ for and
if you would, please list any other minor uses that you had for the PERQ.

16. Had the planned, newer, microcode-based PERQ CPU's, which were to use
approximately 5 chips, been produced, how much of a gain in speed would
there have been? Was a working prototype ever built? If you are
in any way familiar with this, please comment.

17. What were the reasons, aside from possible added marketability, due to
the use of an industry standard microprocessor, did ICL/PERQ Systems
decide to abandon the microcoded CPU when they developed the PERQ3?

18. Were any PERQ3's ever produced and sold, other than those produced
under contract to a company called Crisfield Electronics Ltd. in
England? Were the PERQ3's developed and produced exclusively for
Crisfield Electronics Ltd.? Is there any information that you can
provide about the PERQ3s?

19. Did you ever use the 24-bit optional CPU with a PERQ2? If so, did
you also use the optional three or four megabytes of memory? Did you
notice any performance advantages when using the 24-bit CPU?

20. What was the reason for going to a 24-bit CPU instead of a true 32-bit

21. Were the long-term plans, regarding the implementation of Accent on
the PERQ, to make it into a full implementation of a Unix operating
system lookalike/workalike? Is this what QNIX was attempting to do?
Did you ever use QNIX? Are there any comments that you can make
about it?

22. Were there any plans to make the Accent operating system's kernel
more efficient?

23. Why did was the PERQ, running PNX and Accent, so slow in comparison
to a VAX 11/780 running Unix, when the PERQ CPU when properly
microcoded was as fast, or faster, than the VAX 11/780 runnin similar
programs coded in VAX assembly language?

24. How would you rate the speed of PNX in comparison to POS, and also
in comparison to Accent? Can you provide any statistical, or
approximate, information on this type of performance comparison,
or in comparison with other computer systems?

25. How did ICL originally become involved with PERQ Systems (or
Three Rivers Computer Corp.)? How much ownership did ICL
have in PERQ Systems, or did they just hold the marketing rights?

26. When did Three Rivers Computer Corp. change their name to PERQ
Systems Corp. (PQS)? What was the reason for the name change?

27. Since the PERQs appear to have been much more popular outside of
the United States, had more marketing emphasis been placed on sales
of the PERQs outside of the US?

28. Was there any similarity between the PERQ's "microEngine" and the
Western Digital Micro-Engine (tm?) which used USCD Pascal P-Code
for its native machine language?

29. Why was Perq-Pascal, an apparent Pascal/Modula-2 hybrid, used instead
of using Modula-2? Would you consider Perq-Pascal to have been
beneficial, or detrimental, to the PERQs?

30. Were there plans made to port over much of the software which ran on
the microcoded PERQs to the PERQ3? Although a version of Unix was
to be used with the PERQ3s, were there also any plans to port over
POS and Accent to the PERQ3, for the support of PERQ customers who
were accustomed to these operating systems, and felt comfortable
with them?

31. Was the PERQ1 the original PERQ ow were there another machine before
it? If there was, how much different was the original prototype?

32. How did the prices of the SUN and Apollo workstations compare to
those of the PERQs? Did SUN gain a strong pricing and/or production
advan age over Three Rivers Computer/PERQ by building the SUNs with
non-proprietary architecture and circuitry developed outside of SUN?

33. What was the involvement between the U.S. Department of Defense,
Carnegie Mellon University, and Three Rivers Computer Corp.? How
and when did it start?

34. Were the PERQs sold to the Department of Defense designed to meet
higher standards (military specifications), such as operating in
high/low temperatures, high humidity, etc., than the PERQs which
were sold commercially?

35. Do you know what the maximum/minimum recommended ambiant operating
temperatures for using the PERQs are? (I understand that they
operative reliably in high temperature/humidity)

36. How did the British Science and Engineering Council's Common Base
Policy affect the PERQs and relate to their downfall? Can you supply
any documentation, newspaper articles, etc. relating to this policy?

37. Was any hardware design for the PERQs done by ICL?

38. Why was the PERQ T-2 model refered to as the "Petite"?

39. What was the "Nike development machine"?

40. What was the difference between the PERQ3 and the PERQ3B? Was there

41. How many PERQs were produced? If possible, please indicate the
quantity of each individual model produced.

42. In what years were the different PERQ models introduced, and what
years were certain ones phased out?

43. What printers have you used with the PERQs, aside from those listed
in the manuals, to print graphics and screen dumps?

44. What types of devices, other than the graphics tablet and printer,
have you attached to the GPIB of a PERQ? Have you ever attached any
disc drives or tape drives to a PERQs GPIB?

45. Did you ever use the sound capability of a PERQ for such things as
speech and music? If so, please describe what you did.

46. Why did the PERQs only support the PUP Ethernet protocol and not

47. Were most of the PERQs used at Carnegie Mellon University PERQ1s or

48. Were most of the PERQs used at Rutherford Appleton Laboratories
PERQ1s or PERQ2s?

49. Did the PERQ2 make a better impression on you than the PERQ1? Did
you find the PERQ2 (the T-2 model) to be a more reliable machine
that the PERQ1?

50. Although the PERQs had a proprietary bus structure, there was a
program written for them, as well as some hardware, which allowed
Multibus compatibility. Are you familiar with this?

51. Who were the publishers of a PERQ newsletter in the U.K.? Are back
issues of it archived anywhere that you know of? If so, are copies
of them available? Is this newsletter still being published? If not,
when was it discontinued?

52. Do you know of the present, or past, existance of any user groups
for the PERQs? Was there ever a Usenet newsgroup for the PERQs?

53. Do you know of any archives anywhere where software for the PERQs
may be obtained?

54. Were there any businesses that you know of, aside from Accent
Systems, which were (or are) in business to support the PERQs?

55. For how long did work on the PERQs continue after Varityper Corp.
bought PERQ Systems Corp. (PQS)? Were any design changes implemented
by Varityper for any prototypes? How long did Varityper continue
to sell the PERQs after they purchased PQS?

56. Can you provide any information about an operating system developed
by Varityper for the PERQs?

57. Did working with a PERQ make a favorable, or an unfavorable,
impression on you? Why? What did you like, or dislike, the most
about the PERQs?

58. Did you do any non-microcode level programming on a PERQ? Comments?

59. Did you do any microcode-level programming on a PERQ? Comments?

60. When you used a PERQ, how would you describe the environment in
which it was used? (damp, hot, cold, dry, humid, dusty, etc.)

61. How would you relate the reliability of the PERQs?

62. How long has it been since you last used a PERQ (or are you currently
using one)?

63. For what length of time did you work with PERQs?

64. What reason(s) would you cite as the cause of the demise of PERQ
Systems Corp.?

65. Are you aware of any software, aside from that produced by Three
Rivers Computer/PERQ Systems, or ICL that was produced for the
PERQs? If so, could you provide any information about it, such as
the name and a description of it, and the name, and possibly, the
address or geographic location, of the company which produced it?

66. Did you ever have any hardware failures with the PERQ(s) that you
used? If so, could you please describe them and indicate if the
problem(s) occured more than once? Was anything done which solved
this problem so that it did not happen again (please describe)?

67. Did you ever discover any "bugs" in any of the PERQ's system
software? If so, please describe and indicate if they were
ever corrected in later releases of the software that you used.

68. Are you aware of any "hidden commands" or features in any of
the PERQ's operating system software? (for example, things
similar to the XYZZY command on DG systems, the undocumented
interrupts of MS-DOS, ...things of this sort of nature, or
anything else interesting or unusual that you might have
discovered, no matter how big or small, apparently relevant
or irrelevant)

69. How would you compare the performance of the PERQs with other
graphics workstations, or computers in general, that were
available at the time the PERQs were being produced?

70. Do you have any software, manuals, or any other information
pertaining to the PERQs which you would be willing to part
with, sell, or make copies of (I will reimburse you for copying
and postage costs)?

71. Is there anything in particular that you would like to see
included in a book pertaining to the PERQs?

Section III

72. Are there any additional comments that you would care to make about
the Perqs?

73. Do you know of any other people, or organizations, which have used
(or still use), or are familiar with, PERQs? If so, would you please
tell me how to contact them? (telephone, e-mail, and/or postal

74. Are there any additional questions that you would like to see added
to this questionnaire?

75. Would you be interested in joining, or helping to form, a PERQ
users group?

Thank you again _*very much*_ for taking the time to look over this
questionnaire, and for answering whatever questions that you are able to

Ok, was that my little list of questions from way back when.
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
quite some time ago? I can't remember if I'd sent the part that I'd finished
and never got to the rest, or if I had been working on it and never sent even
the partial reponse...
From what I recall, I don't remember receiving that from you.
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
I'll try to find that file and look over the current
FAQ; maybe we can fill in some missing info, and flesh it out a bit.
Ok, great! :-) I'm sure that this would be of much interest to all of
the remaining PERQ Fanatics and others on this newsgroup. Maybe we
can dig up a lot more info and mirror all of this on a few web
sites... we just need to find a way to coordinate things so that we
don't all end up with different versions of documents, which was my
biggest concern, and why I mentioned the copyright. I'll try to dig
up some more things as well, like another largish document that I was
working on years ago. With all this that we can dig up, and with Tony
making his excellent document of how the PERQs work available, we're
certainly ahead of where we all were with the PERQs back around 1990
or so (when we all get our PERQs working again, that is).
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
Sorry to hear that your machines are in such a state; I haven't fired up
Well, one day they'll be PERQing along again, surely. :-)
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
mine in several years due to various reasons - construction, jobs, life
constantly getting in the way - but have been itching to get them running
again. My PERQ Fanaticism hasn't waned in the least, though I still haven't
Hopefully you'll have good luck with testing them, and doing other
necessary checks, and then firing them up.
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
the space/time to attempt to recondition and restart my PERQs. I've been
hoping that Tony Duell was still active on this group and might have some
suggestions for a thorough "pre-flight check" so that I don't experience some
awful and spectacular flame-out the first time I apply AC to a PERQ that's
been sitting in storage for so long...
Having capacitors, etc. in PERQs. tuen a very bright orange or yellow
would not be fun. Good luck!
Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
***@rddavis.org 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.org beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
Robert Marshall
2003-11-09 07:34:48 UTC
Post by R. D. Davis
Did I hear someone invoke the name of the creator of this newsgroup
and the creator of the PERQ general FAQ? ;-)
Well I'm still reading here
Post by R. D. Davis
It's been a while since I've read articles here since it was just
SPAM for a while, but I remember when this was once a very active
newsgroup years ago. How many PERQ Fanatics are still reading this?
How many are still using their PERQs? Has anyone gotten TCP/IP or
tar working on a PERQ?
I think I was on that list back in 1990 (as <something>@cs.man.ac.uk,
I'm afraid my PERQ got scrapped a bit back the study was getting too
cramped! I think I still have all the manuals and lots of 7 inch disks

La grenouille songe..dans son château d'eau
Fleece me to reply
R. D. Davis
2003-11-14 04:52:16 UTC
Post by Robert Marshall
Well I'm still reading here
It's good to see some familiar names here! :-)
Post by Robert Marshall
I'm afraid my PERQ got scrapped a bit back the study was getting too
cramped! I think I still have all the manuals and lots of 7 inch disks
Sorry to hear about the demise of your PERQ. :-( Are you absolutely
certain that it got scrapped, without any chance of someone rescuing

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
***@rddavis.org 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.org beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.
R. D. Davis
2003-11-14 04:47:38 UTC
[Posted and mailed]
There are some of us remaining who read the group, just
Good. :-)
to let you know. :) While the PERQ systems were before my
time, they are a part of history and are important to
historic collectors and those interested in retrocomputing.
Most importantly, they're very hackish toys that are fun to play with.
Unfortunetly, I don't own such a system, but I'm lurking
on this newsgroup nonetheless.
Ah, you're waiting to be volunteered to create a PERQ emulator,
while you wait for a chance to find your own PERQ, right? ;-)

Copyright (C) 2003 R. D. Davis The difference between humans & other animals:
All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
***@rddavis.org 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such
http://www.rddavis.org beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.