2 PERQs, Going, ... Going ...
(too old to reply)
2004-10-08 19:02:41 UTC
I have two PERQs for disposal, a PERQ-1 and a PERQ-2. Do you want them, or
do you know anybody who might want them? They are available either as
complete machines or as spares for other machines. Free to a good home -
though any consideration, in the form of a donation to the Computer
Conservation Society, will not be refused (there are precedents in the other
four PERQs which I managed to rescue and pass on to good homes).

I am officially chairman of the Mil-DAP (Military version, Distributed Array
Processor) Resurrection Working Party. These two machines were donated to
the CCS to help in the attempt to resurrect the Mil-DAP. We have succeeded
in bringing together the complete set of hardware for the Mil-DAP itself and
its PERQ-2 host computer. The DAP and host PERQ are about to be handed over
to The Science Museum, South Kensington, London. The equipment will be
transported to the Science Museum outstation at Wroughton next week.

The Science Museum does not want our two remaining PERQs, as they are not
actually a part of the Mil-DAP itself. The PERQ-1 is thought to contain some
DAP-specific software, which we intend to copy off onto floppy discs. Copies
will then be sent to the Science Museum. After that, we have no further use
for the PERQs and we will have to dispose of the machines. I would be
unhappy (euphemism!) to see them chucked in the bin.

Any takers?

Brian M. Russell.
Mike Ross
2004-10-12 11:03:49 UTC
On Fri, 8 Oct 2004 20:02:41 +0100, "brian.russell"
Post by brian.russell
I have two PERQs for disposal, a PERQ-1 and a PERQ-2. Do you want them, or
do you know anybody who might want them?

Ohhhh yes - The Corestore likes PERQs!

Assuming still available, please reply.


For sale: Al Qaeda rifle. Never fired. Dropped once.
Skeezics Boondoggle
2004-10-12 19:37:42 UTC
Post by Mike Ross
Post by brian.russell
I have two PERQs for disposal, a PERQ-1 and a PERQ-2. Do you want them, or
do you know anybody who might want them?
Post by Mike Ross
Ohhhh yes - The Corestore likes PERQs!
Assuming still available, please reply.
Ha! I replied to Brian in private email yesterday so I got dibs! :-)
Or it looks like we'll have to arm wrestle for 'em. :-)

Anyone in the UK awake and reading alt.sys.perq? Of course, someone
who can drive down and pick them up will be preferred to the hassles
and costs of trans-Atlantic shipping...

So you have a sick PERQ 2? How about if we split 'em: I'll take the
older 1 and you take the 2, so that at least you can have some spares
to scavenge out of your non-working box, should the other one need

I've got a pair of 1As with 16K CPUs, but one has a dodgy backplane.
One of my 1As has "F"-rev boards and runs POS F.1/Accent S5; the other
has "G"-rev boards and runs POS G.6/Accent S6. I would *LOVE* to get
ahold of another PERQ to run PNX; and even if this beastie has
UK-style 220V/50Hz power, I just happen to have one spare 120V/60Hz
PERQ-1 power supply to swap it out, so I should be able to easily
convert it for US use.

And much as I would love a PERQ-2 (is it a real "2", Brian, with the
8" hard drive? Or a T2 with the 5.25"?) especially with a landscape
monitor, it seems like you might benefit from having another like
system. I would, of course, take *any* PERQ in virtually any
condition if I can get my hands on it, but if you're an active and
avid PERQ fan I won't be greedy. Share and Enjoy... :-)

-- Chris
Mike Ross
2004-10-13 14:25:01 UTC
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
Post by Mike Ross
Post by brian.russell
I have two PERQs for disposal, a PERQ-1 and a PERQ-2. Do you want them, or
do you know anybody who might want them?
Post by Mike Ross
Ohhhh yes - The Corestore likes PERQs!
Assuming still available, please reply.
Ha! I replied to Brian in private email yesterday
So did I!

Hasn't replied yet.
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
so I got dibs! :-)
Or it looks like we'll have to arm wrestle for 'em. :-)
It may yet come to that :-)
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
Anyone in the UK awake and reading alt.sys.perq? Of course, someone
who can drive down and pick them up will be preferred to the hassles
and costs of trans-Atlantic shipping...
So you have a sick PERQ 2? How about if we split 'em: I'll take the
older 1 and you take the 2, so that at least you can have some spares
to scavenge out of your non-working box, should the other one need
I could go with that...
Post by Skeezics Boondoggle
I've got a pair of 1As with 16K CPUs, but one has a dodgy backplane.
One of my 1As has "F"-rev boards and runs POS F.1/Accent S5; the other
has "G"-rev boards and runs POS G.6/Accent S6. I would *LOVE* to get
ahold of another PERQ to run PNX; and even if this beastie has
UK-style 220V/50Hz power, I just happen to have one spare 120V/60Hz
PERQ-1 power supply to swap it out, so I should be able to easily
convert it for US use.
I have to confess my PERQs have been shamefully neglected since I
moved to the USA 6 years ago... I visited my storage unit in the UK
just this weekend and patted them fondly... will drag them to the USA
later this year / early next.


For sale: Al Qaeda rifle. Never fired. Dropped once.
